First Sunday Potluck Fellowship
Every first Sunday of the month we have a potluck fellowship meal immediately following the service. Everyone is welcome! (Even if you didn’t bring anything – there’s always enough!) See you then!
Men’s “Tool Time” Bible Study
Every Monday night at 7! Come early for dinner at 6, stay for Bible study at 7, to learn how to equip yourself with tools from the Bible, build community, and disciple others.
Overcomers Support Group
A public faith- based support group for anyone struggling with the hard things of life, Overcomers meets in the church building on Wednesday nights, Food at 6, meeting from 7-8. A safe space to talk about your struggles and find encouragement and support.
Drive-Thru Food Bank
Our drive through food bank is held the fourth Saturday of every month at the church at 10 am until food runs out, first come first serve. The food is provided by Tarrant Area Food Bank and distributed by volunteers.