Childrens ministry

Children's behavior

This may be how you think children should behave in Church. It's fine if they do, and we will love them just as Jesus loves this child.

This is another way we feel happy to see children behave in Church. And we will love these children as Jesus clearly loves them too. Let the children come!


  • Have kids? Don’t worry – kids are a BIG priority at Cornerstone We love the next generation and we believe that they’re going to change the world 🚀

    Kids are welcome in all worship services and all events at Cornerstone. Every gathering is family-friendly!

    In fact, they’re not just welcomed – they’re encouraged to worship and learn with the adults!

    We don’t think of church services as “big church” or only for the adults.

    We believe that kids are just as much a part of the church as any one of us.

    As Cornerstone grows, we’ll start offering special classes for the kids on Sunday mornings. Stay tuned – great things are coming and your kids are going to love it!

    Bring your kids to Cornerstone this Sunday –

    …the Kingdom of Heaven is multi-generational, and so is Cornerstone!